lisa a. blackman

Advanced Spiritual Healing, & Medical Intuition, Author and Artist 

As a spiritual healer and intuitive, I utilize my spiritual vision to quickly and accurately read the soul. I identify the sublime reasoning for physical, mental and emotional challenges and conditions while providing insights, spiritual guidance, solutions and tools for self-mastery, healing and transformation. 

My client receives an energetic opening and removal of whatever is blocking them with their session, greatly speeding up the process of soul evolution. I work with people going through any and all forms of mental, emotional and/or physical pain and/or trauma.

In 25 years I have never not been able to read a soul that has found his or her way to me. My passion has always been to heal and to teach Spirit to individuals, couples and groups. I will go to the darkest places and always pull out the thorns, much like a very gentle Psychic Surgeon. Absolutely, I am a Doctor of the Spirit and your Soul is sacred, and at all times, safe with me. Together, we will get the job done quickly and efficiently and often we shall do it with some humor! So know that there is nothing to fear. This is all about Love and only Love and getting you inspired to be the absolute best human being that you can be, living your most free life knowingly connected fully to the Divine. I will serve as not only an information bringer I will serve you as a sacred advisor for as long as you desire and need me.

We will set your soul on fire, increase your potential, and secure your peace of mind. You will know your greatest gifts and soul purpose clearly by the time our work together is complete, and you will become more authentically successful in every area of your life. You will become much more of who you really are—Love in human form. And, as always I am available to answer any questions you may have. ASK ME ANYTHING. xox

Namaste and lots of Love,


Intuitive Consultations and Readings 

To schedule call (203)545-5526 or 203 254-8416, Email
Sessions are offered by phone, in person, email quick followups.

I N T U I T I V E   R E A D I N G S


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